And suddenly, in the garage, appeared a 5...
You can see it behind the old Beetle.
The complete non-Mx5 period lasted for me about 10 months.
I was quite tired by the NA and the living in the bare centre of Athens, with no garage, where I could not do the 5 as I wanted to. I could just watch it disintegrate day by day.
Then one night it was attacked by burglars, destroying the hood and taking the Zeitronix screen and radio fascia, both pretty unworthy for them actually.
That was the end for me, I decided to break it for parts.
But then some health problems, made me… leave for vacations. For which, I needed a car urgently.
I bought a great Green Honda HR-V Vtec, which I kept until now.
So, back to the main issue, the new Mx5.
I struggled to decide if I wanted an NBFL or an NC.
I thought the NC is the best way to for many reasons, but that was the logic talking.
I followed the heart and… the pocket.
The NC would need many and expensive parts to be modded the way I liked, while the NBFL I knew everything about, knew what I wanted and even got some parts laying around :D
NBFL it is then. Silver ’01 Sport model,
1.8 VVT engine, 6-Speed manual and T2 Torsen LSD as standard.
And let the modding begin!
First actual thing I did was to fit the pair of clear front reflectors I had from the NA.
So I removed the stock orange -covered with reflective tape by the previous owner.
And BOOM! (I m kidding guys)
Second thing, I removed the Chrome Style bar.
Although I paid for one on the NA, I already knew the Sport
would eventually be fitted with a roll bar, so of goes the
style bar, in goes the OEM wind blocker for now.
Also inherited a bag of stuff with the car,
which Miata lost no time to investigate thoroughly.
Bag contained a set of HB4 Xenon headlight kit...
a Renovo Waterproof weathering kit for a Mohair hood,
even though the car was fitted with a vinyl roof (daaah)...
a pair of LED headlamps (car is equipped with Osram Nightbreakers)...
some random bushings, amongst them a pair of Powerflex...
and the realistically never to be used open-hood cover.
Then I arranged a service visit to Lefkaditis Motorsport,
for a general inspection, front brake pads, gearbox and diff oils,
and rear brake caliper rebuild.
And then I took the first actual pic posted on the net.
Titled "Welcome baby"
I later on had a UK Style painting session, on car masking,
OEM color coded spray paint, to fix the edge of the front wings
which were fading and flaking.
By the same day, arrived the new Rota wheels,
which of course cant be fitted until I m lowered...
Since I had it laying around, I couldnt resist on fitting one
MSM Mazdaspeed Style front lip,
as it comes, unpainted. Easy fittment.
Actualy fits so well that it doesnt need glue or bolts...
Also removed and painted the small metal
covers on the edge of the hood that were faded.
Fitting the black front lip, and already having tinted side windows,
plus that the passenger's side mirror glass was only moving in
two directions instead of four, I decided to also fit the
JDM Black mirrors that I had laying around.
And then, I just took a dozen of stupid pics...
Also did some actual work, cleaning the hood.
It took me half a bottle of Renovo Vinyl cleaner to
remove the dust and take it from that, to that.
The interior was fine, apart from the fact that the
Nardi wheel leather was worn out, as well as the oem gearknob.
I fitted an aluminum gearknob that came with the car for now.
Fitted the "love 'em or hate 'em" JDM Chequered mats.
You can also see the 2-DIN JVC soundsystem with screen...
...that plays CD, DVD, USB, memory card, connects with the phone
and also with that stupid rear camera (tiny dot on the fuckin centre of the bumper)
Exactly as it happened when I got the NA, the balck
interior looked very dull for my taste.
Only this time I decided to pay for the changes.
Of they go for the OEM black seats.
in they go, brown Phoenix Edition ones.
With matching door cards.
Steering wheel is coming too.
After a few days, a matching Phoenix steering wheel arrived.
And another expense that wasn't a priority, but had to be done,
now that the summer is coming and the Hardtops are sold cheaper.
And soon, of I went back to Lefkaditis Tuning.
I had to replace a faulty Lambda sensor and
-what basically was my first move- fit a set
of ChaseRoad Fraim Rail kit that did quite a lot of difference.

What we learned, is that the Framerails -I chose again the lightweight version-
interfere with the central Sporty brace, which was removed.
Plus I also had a chance to test fit the red tint films to a mates car...
And red tint the rear reflectors, as I didn't want to pay cash for JDM ones.
Next purchase were the Phoenix matte silver vent rings.
and the OEM silver center console kit, as well as some nice items from Jass Performance.
Rear lights were off, and tinted red as well in order to be the same left and right.
I kept the white round turning lights, for a more stock look.
Then I decided to try foamectomy, to make the seat lower
Of course I did my test drive to the Black Leather seats the Sporty had
not the new Phoenix brown seats that costed a fortune.
First you take the seat off the car and remove the rails,
then you remove all the metal hinges that hold the seat fabric in place.
You will probably destroy them but it doesnt mind much.
You remove the leather gently and take apart the foam from the metal base mount.
I didn't manage to totally separate the foam from the seat tbh.
As you can see, the base mount can easily cut you.
Use a large knife or so, something that cuts great.
If you have a Samurai friend, a takana would be ideal...
You ignore the pain and the blood, and remove this part of the foam.
So when you sit your ass goes inside the seat's cavity
and when you are not seated the seat looks like perfect.
Then you replace the metal hinges with tie-wraps,
it s more easy, has better result and it's more... JDM yo!
You get a seat that looks normal when you are not seated and
much lower when you sit -about 3-4 cms.
Suspension time arrived. I wanted it to be of the first things to do,
but I really struggled to find a set as I wanted the top, the best.
That is Monotube with elongated rear top mounts for more suspension travel.
I had Meister-R on the NA and I was extremely happy with them.
I wanted them back, and so I did. I bought them back from the guy I ve sold them to.
Yeah, I know, that was extremely lucky as he wanted my Sporty Bilsteins in order
to make a fully custom set with custom springs.
Me on the other hand, I am very happy with the 8/6 kgm spring of the Zeta-S.
I do recommend this setup to everybody.
The old Sporty Bilsteins
The "new" Meister-R Zeta S monotube coilovers.
How the car sits now.
The interior was almost completed,
by fitting of the OEM matte silver trim
from the Phoenix and the '04-'05 models.
Had to buy it new from IL and boy, it was expensive...
Obviously I also fitted some Jass Performance parts
I chose the Sport Aluminum Gearknob, which is as I expected a perfect fit
and very well made, but a bit big for my taste. Yet it is very nice on shifts,
so for know i m thinking of keeping it.
With the great help of Manos Option D,
we made the headlights matte black Mazdaspeed style
And then I paid a visit to my favorite tire guy, Nikos Psomas (ilia iliou 57)
I m trying to summarize how many wheels I have fitted to this guy.
Out of my mind
-he removed the 14'' the NA had and fitted some 17'' I traded them with
-He removed the 17'' to fit the 15'' Kosei I bought new
-He removed the Koseis to fit the first Rota RB I bought
-He removed the Rotas to fit the Panasport
-He removed the Panasports to fit the Rota Grid-V
-He removed the Grid-Vs to fit the Rota Zero Plus
-He removed the Zero Pluss to fit some OEM 15''
-He removed the OEM wheels to fit the Rota RKR
-He removed the OEM HR-V wheels to fit the RX-7 FD wheels
(and then the other way around)
-He removed the OEM Sporty wheels to fit the Rota Grid-V 16x8
(Later on you ll see he made one more change)
And I m sure I m forgetting some...
I took the car to Lefkaditis, he fitted me all new front bushings,
he lowered the car and fitted my new Black Pearl CCR Rollbar.
*Did I mentioned the Jass Performance front two hook?
The Rota Grid-V 16x8 et20 are a great fit for the NB Miata,
and there were just two sets of those Matte Gunmetal / Gloss Black Lip'ed ones
that only came to Europe so I had to grab a set.
Due to loweness, I already had the fenders rolled, but I noticed
I want a bit more and I had them professionally done...
so I thing I broke my record, as I fitted the wheels on Wednesday, and removed them on Monday...
So I used a set of OEM 15'' NB wheels for a while.
Black they were of course...
Car scraped everywhere.
In the meanwhile I was trying to decide if I was gonna use
my Smooth Ducktail Boot or complete the MAZDASPEED Miata kit
with the MSM boot spoiler.
Dont start, you had a chance to vote on the FB page...
And then the wheels arrived.
Rota RBR 16x8 offset 10
Tested solution, until I decide what to do...
And of I went to Psomas again...
How it sits now.
It took my trusted painter of Makridis Paintwork quite some time to
make the MSM kit right -summer comes, everyone wants his car to be ready.
Until it was ready, I put the Chequered mats in the washing machine...
And then it was ready...
Front MSM lip with the lights polished and the Mazda logo painted.
Rear MSM lip and Ducktail Trunk fitted as well.
Down to earth for the first time
Sideskirts fitted and Rear lights were also polished.
Big thanks to Makridis Car Body Painting for the job!
Then straight to Lefkaditis Tuning to fit the extra CCR roll bar
seat belt extensions, that finally allow the seat belts to work good.
If you look closer, on the bonnet there is one more thing waiting to happen.
Apart from the Creative Flow custom sticker I order, received and... destroyed!
With the blue tape removed, you can see fitted the
Ground Zero MSM Lip Splitter
that is currently on trial and will be soon available!
Arriving at the house, clearing the garage with ease on the front
yet the belly rubs...
Some first pics of the rear
More stickers I also put wrongly and destroyed...
Best thing with the Silver color is it doesn't show dirt easily,
yet every once and a while, it still needs a wash.
Drift Car Wash in Ilioupoli does the trick!
DCW always has the best cars well as my mates Petros's Miata which is much lower at the front!
Can i ask where you got the clear reflectors and side repeaters?
Also the side skirts
And the front spoiler/lip! ive looked all over for this but appears to be only available in america and Australia?
The clear reflectors and repeaters can be found on ebay, IL or
The skirts and the MSM lip, just email me at
Where did you get that side sticker looks great!
Μπορώ ακόμη να βρω το ap1 και αν ναι που ; γτ δεν έχω καταλαβει
Μπορεις, πως δεν μπορεις. Πας εδω, στέλνεις μέιλ
Where can i buy the AP1 Large Lip?
Just mail me
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